Global Positioning Systems : GPS and Microtechnology Sensors in Team Sports: A Systematic Review.

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Síndrome do impacto. The extreme use of the joint of the shoulder promotes a biomechanical stress being able to take to injuries that limit the functionality of the athlete. Among the most frequent injuries is the Impingement syndrome of the shoulder, provoked for the extreme use of this joint, causing the compression of the tendinous structures of the muscles of the rotator cuff. The treatment is basically conservative and does not exist a preset protocol; however studies bring proposals of prevention and treatment. The objective of this work is to present the results of one brief revision of literature on Impingement syndrome of the shoulder, being searched prevalence in association with the sport. Through the analysis of bibliographical revision, could be concluded that the biomechanical factors are the most common causes of Impingement syndrome in sporting that excessively use the joint of the shoulder.

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