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Environmental management of pipeline and right-of-way ; Gerenciamento ambiental em servicos de manutencao de dutos e faixas de dutos. Torres, Carlos A. These services include, basically, replacement of pipeline sections, geotechnical and upgrading services in right-of-way areas in a pipeline network of about km, implemented in a wide range of environments, from urban areas to environmentally protected areas. In the first place, consideration is given to the complex legal question related to the various laws and the necessity to obtain approvals such as licenses, authorizations, awards and statements of commitment pertaining to the great number of governmental agencies involved. Subsequently, the main environmental impacts pertaining to said services are approached, with presentation of the tools used in Environmental Management, such as analysis of environmental hazards and aspects, contractual requirements, plans, guideline sheets, procedures, training and monitoring. At the end, a description is presented of the difficulties met, of the solutions adopted and of the new attitudes that are required for a continuous improvement of the process. Environmental studies for right of way ; Levantamento ambiental das faixas de dutos. Savian, Michelle; Oliveira, Robson A.

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Clique aqui para aceder ao podcast e aqui ao vídeo. No primeiro episódio vamos conhecer a vida nas noites da Serra da Arada e o que é feito pela Natureza em Portugal. Ver Promo da série. Leia mais aqui. Este evento reuniu restante de cento e cinquenta investigadores da lipidómica marinha de instituições de renome mundial de 16 países. Em , os membros do CESAM publicaram restante de artigos em revistas científicas constantes da base de dados Web of Science, incluindo na prestigiada Science e em revistas do grupo Nature. Podcast Vídeo. Magnificamente ilustradas, este guia apresenta as aves mais comuns que podemos encontrar nas salinas.

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The scriptures of all religions acknowledge the existence of demonic beings. Some, including Christianity, Islam, and Zoroastrianism, regard the power of evil entities to be real and perceive them as rivals to the dominion of God. Others, such as Buddhism, consider them to be manifestations of ignorance and illusion. Those religions that testify to demonic powers also recognize that these negative beings are subject to the commands of a leader, known by various names: Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Iblis, Mara, and Angra Mainyu, among others. While rationalists in the present age of science and technology find it difficult to accept the concept of demons tempting men and women to commit acts of wickedness under the direction of a central embodiment of evil, such as Satan, other serious-minded philosophers and theologians call attention to the diverse horrors of the twentieth century and the seemingly endless capabilities of humans to inflict evil upon their fellow beings in the beginning of the twenty-first century and argue that such perversities transcend the bounds of reason.

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